These Pink Boots were made for Brewing
Seven Orange County breweries participated in this year’s Pink Boots Collaboration Brew Days, which took place on and around International Women’s Day on March 8.
First, some info about the origin and development of PBCBD: The idea for what began as International Women’s Collaboration Brew Day (IWCBD) came from the UK’s Sophie De Ronde, head brewer at Burnt Mill Brewery in Suffolk. She and other members of Project Venus (a UK based female brewers association) would regularly get together for collaboration brews. With the help of the U.S. based Pink Boots Society, the idea of taking these collaborative efforts global, as a way of promoting and building relations between women in the brewing industry, became a reality. International Women’s Day was decided upon as the logical date to mark the event, first held on March 8, 2014.
Since that time it has morphed into Pink Boots Collaboration Brew Day (PBCBD). Pink Boots Society members come together every year (typically on or around March 8) at breweries around the world to support, encourage, bring awareness to and raise funds for women to advance their careers in the brewing industry. A portion of the proceeds from sales of “Unite” collaboration beers goes to fund educational scholarships for Pink Boots Society members.
A partnership with Yakima Chief Hops was formed in 2018. Each year, during the Great American Beer Festival in Denver, a new hop blend is chosen/ created by PBS Members, which YCH scales up for purchase. YCH in-turn donates $3 from every pound sold to the Pink Boots Society for further funding of education and programming. Please support Pink Boots Society members by enjoying these beers wherever your beer travels bring you.

Photo provided by Pink Boots Society OC Chapter
During this year’s Orange County brew days, I met with PBS OC Chapter member Mary Jane “MJ” S. Doddridge to get the run down on the Pink Boots Collaboration brews that took place in OC. She attended six of the seven Orange County brew days in addition to others around the Southland. MJ is an avid craft beer enthusiast, who first found out about the Pink Boots Society from Anaheim’s Barbara Gerovac. She is currently part of the Gamecraft Brewing (Support Droid) team and is Finance Liaison for Pink Boots Society Orange County Chapter.
Beers were brewed in at least seven OC breweries and would have been flowing at area tap houses and the breweries that participated this year if not for the COVID-19 crisis. The 2020 PB/YCH hop blend (chosen by over 100 Pink Boots members) consists of one part Azacca, one part El Dorado, two parts Idaho Gem, and two parts Loral hops, a mix that will reportedly exude tropical, citrus and piney qualities. It seems to be especially

Photo provided by Pink Boots Society OC Chapter
suited for IPA, given that all six of the OC breweries that used this year’s hop mix made some form of IPA.
Anaheim Brewery’s owner/brewer and Pink Boots member Barbara Gerovac, staff and PBS members participated in brewing this year’s rendition of Unite Belgian Tripel on March 4. They utilized the 2018 YCH blend that has worked so-well in the Belgian-style tripel formulation in past years. In addition to benefitting Pink Boots Society, a portion of Anaheim’s Unite proceeds will also go to the Orange County Family Justice Center and its efforts that support the community.
Backstreet Brewery in Anaheim provided a unique twist for their brew day. In addition to inviting Pink Boots Society members to participate in the March 5 brew, BSB had the wonderful idea of including the next generation of potential brewers. Backstreet’s PBCBD also became Teach Your Daughter to Brew Day. Utilizing the PBS/YCH 2020 hop blend and choice Vienna malts, Baby Boots IPA was created in a collaboration of brewers Tim Barro & Bob Weden, as well as the daughters and ladies of BSB and PBS-OC.
On March 6, in Laguna Hills, Gamecraft Brewing’s head brewer Andrew Moy hosted the Pink Boots OC and the group brewed Unplanned Variable, a 6.1% ABV hazy IPA. The beer was released for offsite purchase and consumption on March 24. It was originally named as a tribute to The Outer Worlds (an action role playing game) and to the brewing process, where things don’t always go according to plan. Adjustments and adaptation are necessary when unplanned variables come into play. Released in the midst of the COVID-19 chaos, the name took on additional meaning.
At Karl Strauss Brewing in Anaheim, Jarrod Davis and the brewers and women from Karl Strauss Anaheim, Costa Mesa and Los Angeles gathered with Pink Boots members at KS Anaheim on March 5 to brew a Hazy IPA.

Photo provided by Pink Boots Society OC Chapter
Lost Winds Brewing in San Clemente hosted the PBS women on March 3 and brewed Pink Boots Hazy Double IPA with head brewer Brandon Winneker.
Then, on Saturday, March 7, OC Pink Boots Chapter members arrived in full force to take part in Riip Beer Co’s IPA brew day in Huntington Beach. Head brewer Ian McCall was outfitted with at least one “pink boot” during their brew. Still on the mend, he displayed his Pink Boots spirit by sporting a pink cast on his left foot. Staying with the theme, Cast a Pink Shadow (West Coast IPA) was brewed.
International Women’s Day, March 8, was the Pink Boots brew day at Stereo Brewing in Placentia. Owner/brewer Rick Smets and assistant brewer Dylan Macsata assisted the ladies of Stereo and Pink Boots OC to brew Rebel Rebel Haze, a David Bowie-inspired hazy IPA.

Photo provided by Pink Boots Society OC Chapter
While most breweries had release parties planned for late March and early April, the unplanned COVID-19 variable has affected most of those initial plans. In the meantime, if you see any Pink Boots Collaboration Brew Day beers on any of your local brewery to-go lists, be sure to order, support and enjoy via social distancing.
Stay safe, stay strong and think pink!
Beer Paper’s newly minted OC Columnist David Mulvihill thirsts to experience and promote the best of what craft beer has to offer. He also covers Southern California for SoCal Food & Beverage Professional Magazine and provides business-side support (reporting, excise tax, policies & personnel) to local breweries and brewers guilds. david@socalcraftbeer. com.

Photo provided by Pink Boots Society OC Chapter